Yesterday morning I got a call from my good friend Rachael from high school. She was in town from NYC for two days to hang the show she curated and to attend the opening. She has turned into an "art snob" in front of my very eyes and it's so cool to see some of the opportunities that have come her way. First working for the design department at MOMA and being the assistant curator for their SAFE show. And now at PS1 in Manhatten, an offshoot of MOMA that features contemporary art.
She still cracks me up. It's quite funny because I was just telling my mom a classic Rachael story on Friday afternoon. She and her mom were shopping at Smith and Hawken (a ritzy, upscale garden shop) and Rachael decided to ask one of the employees if they had any plastic blue and white Virgen Mary statues for her garden. She went on and on trying to convince the employee that she had gotten her previous statue at the store a few years back, but that it had been damaged by the wind. Rachael's retelling of the story was absolutely hilarious and I was in tears trying to relay it to my mom. She's always got a great story to tell!
Rachael and I have twin families, because she has a sister, Rebecca and a mother, Ruth. And I have two sisters, Ruth and Rachel.

In other news, my little sister turned 17 today! She's growing up so fast. Somehow, I still think of her as a little eight year old. I remember being so shocked to come home from school on winter break and discover that she knew how to read - where did that come from?!? Rachel loved her cotton candy ice cream cake - bright pink goodness.