Kristena tagged me to list 6 of my quirks
1. I've never seen the Wizard of Oz. I don't think I ever will either, just so that I can claim this title.
2. After working in the towel department at Linens N Things in high
school, I'm now really anal about folding towels correctly. I've been
relegated to the sole towel folder in our house after I wasn't able to
successfully teach Jon the correct way to fold towels. I hate folding
towels, but I want them folded my way or no way at all. It's really a
lose lose situation!
3. If I know someone's bought a gift for me, I have to know what it is and it
kills me if I can't figure it out. I like surprises, but I also like
snooping. This quirk has ruined many Christmas and birthday
celebrations for me.
4. It really bothers me when people do not have
bike seat heights adjusted
correctly. I always comment on seat height issues whenever I see them
(mostly to myself or anyone who will listen). People: raise your seats!
You should not bump your arms with your knees while pedaling and you
should not have knee pain from bike riding! Plus, raising your seat will make pedaling much easier and will save you some energy.
5. Before I start reading a new book, I always check to see how many
pages the book has, divide that number in half and then excitedly read
until the halfway point. I'm always calculating the fraction of the
book that I've completed.
6. I hate getting my hands dirty. I have to wear gloves when I garden because dirt totally grosses me out. Whenever I make cookies, I use a cookie/ice cream scoop to grab the
correct amount of dough. It totally grosses me out to prepare the
Artisan bread in 5 minutes a day recipe, but I do it because the bread
is so tasty.
Those are my quirks, now let's hear yours! Leave one of your quirks in the comments section if you like or post 6 quirks on your blog :)
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I joined this vintage sheet swap at Crafty Little Beana a few weeks ago and have had fun scouring local thrift shops for sheets and pillowcases. Here's a sample of the fabric that I sent in for the swap. I can't wait to see what I get in return!